Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009

Time: 10:49 Pm
Mood: Eh
Noise: Avril Lavigne

I always start one of these blog things but never get so into it to stay at it. But I am determined to start! er Keep!

I read a lot of mommy blogs and it seems to me everyone follows this secret template I have no idea exists. They go on and on about their days with their children and what cute little anecdotes were heard. Maybe I will catch on. Maybe I am not like them though.

Taking my boys to the park is awesome. I love to see Harry climb up to the top of the slide by himself and slide down, with such a cool look of accomplishment on his face. I let him explore every inch of the park he wants to. I am really not afraid he will get hurt, too much. However, I believe being at the park signals to the other "mothers" that I want to chat! I do not! I want to enjoy my children's company not sit there and talk! Boobs says it might be good for me to meet new people and make friends, but I don't want to!

I love the little bubble I live in. My family. My Husband, my boys and Me. Every now and then I have the select few that I really enjoy spending time with, and who somehow enjoy my company as well, but not often.

But now I am torn. I KNOW my son Harry needs companionship. I can tell he needs to learn how to act with other kids his age. He has NO idea how to act socially (who does???). But I also know that will take some work on my part. I think I may have to join some mommy and me clubs or to the other moms at the park. OH yeah! There is also a VERY nice customer at work that might have mistaken my customer service for genuine friendliness and she invited the boys and I to go play with her kids while we hug out. PHEW It makes me almost ill to think of it! What would I say?!?! What would I do??? What would she think of my unconventional ways? Maybe I am not even that unconventional at all! Ha! Sigh. I will have to though. But her kids are so fragile compared to my Harry. He might hurt someone. He just doesn't know.

Will I make it? I have to...I just do. Maybe when we get our own house it will be easier. I could have Moms over to my house, my own space, my safe spot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gaby, I know exactly what you mean about the moms in the park. This really made me feel like I'm not the only mother on the planet wanting to avoid the chitter chatter of "who is the best parent ever". I love watching my kids grow and learn new things, especially with my sensitive Jackson, so I have no time to talk about the latest stroller or why I chose to cloth diaper. BUT, unless I want to raise an anti social creppy kid, friends I must make for myself and the boys. Lesson learned though, playdates can be fun, but keep them just what they are, playdates... and this way you avoid getting to personal, you know, you avoid the judgemental comments.

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Wife, Mother of two amazing little boys and Starbucks Barista. Oh its gonna get hot in here!