Sunday, October 11, 2009


I think I was pushed to the limits this weekend. It wasn't as if I had a million things to do, actually, just had work and come home with the kids. But I think waking up at 3:45 to go to work may have started the downward spiral to complete and utter exhaustion. Friday at the ass crack of dawn. Work is normally fine, and Friday wasn't bad, except that we were expecting Eco-sure (health inspection) so we spent the whole morning double-time cleaning and making sure all rules were being followed. Of coarse, they never showed up. By the time I left there at 12:30 I could have just passed out from how tired I was, but unfortunately Dada had to work as soon as I went home and he wasn't coming home until very late. That meant instead of him doing all the night time routines of baths, bedtime and some more bed time for Harrison, I had to do it. Then of coarse, mother nature decided to be the kidder that she is and bless me with the good ole period right smack in the middle of tired-ville. Saturday, same shtick, all over again, except this time I was a mess. Already tired from the day before but now 5 times worse because I have cramps, I am dazed and confused from the surge of hormones, emotional from the same, very short tempered and bleeding all over the place! ugh. I know I know, I am complaining a lot. but hello, I am PMSING! I get to vent sometimes. Yesterday I got off at 11, but when I got home, Dada had to leave again...for the whole night too. Bath and bed times my duties again..sigh. So this morning I thought it would all be better after getting a full nights sleep, not having to wake up so early, but when I got up to go rescue Harry from the gate, I got dizzy, eyes rolling in the back of my head, room spinning...we lay back down but now every time I get up to do ANYTHING, the dizzy spells come back.I got some sugar and caffeine in my system, I ate oatmeal for breakfast, drank lots of water and still...dizzy. Stupid period..I hate this time of the month! I hate it with a passion. I don't feel like myself. I cant concentrate, I cant be motivated when things need to be done, I can't think straight, I am mean, and not nice, and my stomach is always in knots. Today Dada comes home soon, and instead of me going to a fun party I was invited to, I have to stay home. I don't think driving with dizzy spells is the best idea. I hope I get better soon, this house is a disaster..sigh.

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Wife, Mother of two amazing little boys and Starbucks Barista. Oh its gonna get hot in here!