Thursday, July 30, 2009


I started work at a new store. Store 8432 in Wellington green. I was extremely nervous. If any of my new partners read this, could you tell I was that nervous??? Besides Pompano Plaza, where I trained and worked for two months, 8417 was my home. I knew that store inside and out, like the back of my hand. I could run that store with my eyes closed. So yes, I was a bit sad I had to leave, more anxious to have to start all over again.

It has been almost a month now that I am at 8342 and honestly, in true sincerity, I really like it! There is now one partner there that does not know what they are doing times 8! It is so great to work with competent, efficient partners. I know it will take a while before I really meld in, but I think I have been welcomed with open arms and things are going well.

Getting to know a new store is tricky act. You have to learn all of their little idiosyncrasies as well as each individual partners moods and habits. Before every shift I would give myself a little pep talk. " You can do this Gaby, you can train a new partner, you have been doing this very job for 5 years now, its just coffee you CAN DO THIS". It actually helped! I did it! And after every new shift, I would get in my car to go home and sigh relief and say..I did it.

sigh, I did it.

Thank you my old partners at 8417, Dan, Julie, Espie, SANDRA!! Randy, Justin, Kimmy, Kayla, even Stevie lol.

My new partners, Lets do this!!! GKlein in the house!

1 comment:

LaceFace said...

I couldn't tell you were nervous at all. I'm sure it's nerveracking being in one store for so long and then having to readapt. Partners at our store are usually pretty compitent ... but I can guarantee at some point you're gonna hit a speedbump. Dudey - it's already like you've been there for months!

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Wife, Mother of two amazing little boys and Starbucks Barista. Oh its gonna get hot in here!