Saturday, May 30, 2009

Terrible Two's

Today was a rough day with Harry. He seemed to be extra hyper when Tio Danny, Tia Cristi and Princess Isabella showed up. Which is fine! he was excited to have company and play and talk, but that means he also gets VERY cranky and its always Harry's way or the highway! Sigh.

After dinner we all decided to walk up the street to get some special ice cream that Tio Danny loves. We made it there fine, all the way however I was contemplating what to do when we got there. You see Harry is in his independent phase and wants to do everything himself. So of coarse this meant when the ice cream came he was going to want to eat it by himself which always ends up in a mess. SOooOO yupp, that's exactly what happened.

Turning point however was when he decided to shank his brother with the plastic spoon. James started screeching, Harry starts crying and throwing a tantrum because I remove said shank from his grimy little hands. This means that he is now on the floor kicking and screaming as if someone were killing him. He didn't want to sit in his big boy Sit and Stand stroller which meant I had to carry him all the way back home while he is FREAKING OUT! So now here's the scenario. Its RAINING, Harry is screaming, and I have to carry him in all of his 36 pound glory!!!! For oh about 3 blocks. Sounds easy enough I know 3 blocks but what the crap Harry is freaking out! Ugh It was torture.

So now hes in his crib and hes been there since 630, bathed and watching his treasured Little Einsteins dvd. But now its 830 and he's still awake. I had to do it. I had to give him some benadryl. I had to! He needs to sleep. He needs to calm down and relax. I mean when I cant sleep I take some sort of sleep inducing medicine. So I hope he has a calm night free of nightmares and freak outs. Daddy needs to sleep.

James however, has been out like a light throughout the whole process. When we got home I gave him a bottle and he fell asleep drinking it ( he holds his own bottle now!!!! FINALLY!), woke up for just enough time to bathe him and put him to sleep. So there he his, snoozing away in his new favorite position, sideways! Hes so cute!

Wish us luck!

Oh and...WE OWN A HOME!!!

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Wife, Mother of two amazing little boys and Starbucks Barista. Oh its gonna get hot in here!